Natural Resources Protective Association: Protecting the marine environment since 1977


Membership in the NRPA helps us to represent you at various Public Meetings and Hearings concerning the aquatic environment, and the wildlife that inhabit this ecosystem, NRPA volunteers also Lobby at the Local, State and Federal levels to protect America’s waterways

Natural Resources Protective Association is a 501(c)(3) Not-For-Profit. No member is paid a salary. 100% of your membership dues go to protecting the marine environment. NRPA is a complete volunteer organization that has existed since 1977, dedicating 100% of all funds raised to the aquatic ecosystem.

Interested In Helping?

All Donations are fully tax-deductible to the full length of the IRS Codes for a 501.(c)3 Not-For-Profit

Please send a Check or Money Order to:

NRPA P.O. Box 050328 Staten Island, NY 10305


NRPA Membership made Easy

It is now easier than ever to join or renew your membership in the Natural Resources Protective Association, especially if you have a debit card. We have teamed up with NY Community Bank and established a Zelle account that you access through an email for deposits: 

This way, you can select the amount you wish to donate, pay, or renew your dues and send it to

Most banks have Zelle on their App or website.  You can link your account to a name, cell phone number or e-mail address.

Zelle acts as a middleman and a firewall so the recipient of the money you send has no direct connection to your banking information.

After you send the money, send an email to with your name and contact information to let us know who the money came from and we can recognize your support.

Please help us with your donation and/or membership or renewal, thank you!


Please Include: Name, Address, Phone and E-Mail



City:___________________________________ State:____________ Zip:_____________

E-Mail: _______________________________________

Telephone (Optional): ____________________________

____ $15.00 Individual

____ $20.00 Family

____ $25.00 Organization

____ $100.00 Sponsor

____ $500.00 Life Member